Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Clothing Suggestions

Decide if you want your portraits to be casual or dressy, classic or trendy. Think of all the outfits you choose for your family as one big outfit.  Mom--start with you.  What color and style looks best on you?  Pick that and plan everyone else around you.  Have dad in a different color.  If you have a small baby, who will probably hold the baby the most?  Mom?  If so, have the baby in a different color as well so you won't be blended together. 

Choose a neutral (denim is also a neutral in this case) and then add a couple of accent colors that will complement each other and use variations of those colors with the family members. Use the 3 color rule - it’s best to limit the bolder colors to 3.

Stick with solids, or simple coordinating patterns. Layers (jackets, hats, scarves, jewelry) and texture add richness to the portrait. Very busy patterns and logos tend to distract from faces.
Your shoes will likely be in some of the photos, so make sure they compliment your outfit. Match your socks to your pants so they don’t stand out.

Love accessories.

Another thing to keep in mind is where you plan to hang your portrait art. Will the clothing you’ve chosen complement the colors in the room?

Some people ignore these tips and some get so concerned that they go ultra-conservative (white shirt and khakis). So, these samples here are a visual to work with.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Coordinating outfits for a family portrait session does take thought and planning, but the end result will be worth it!

For teens having their Senior Portraits taken, I say to bring 4-5 of their favorite outfits including accesories such as hats.  Bring different colors and different looks for the images to stand out from each other. Eash outfit brings out a different layer of personality.